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E-Chat is an incredibly simple desktop chat room service with an extremely basic and minimalist design. Everything about this chat service is quick, easy and intuitive – from signing up to creating your own private chat room. Content within each chat room is highly sex related and is popular with singles looking to hook up.

The E-Chat Brand

Everything about the E-Chat brand is simplistic, minimalist and backed by lots of white space. The site and brand has very little to say for itself by the way of its own content. You can contact the site via their contact form but there is no real indication who operates the site etc. But then again, do you want any of that nonsense from a chat site or is it best to be as simple as possible? It’s all about the chat, right?


You can start chatting on E-Chat with just a nickname, simply enter your alias and begin making friends! There is an option to actually sign up to the site should you wish to. To do this you just need to choose a password to go alongside your username – no contact or personal details required.

So as you can see, this is a somewhat private chat channel with no way of identifying who you are talking to – which can be both a good thing and a bad thing!

As with most chat sites these days, the Captcha process is just a tick box, so no need to squint your eyes at 6 unfathomable letters!

Desktop/Mobile Capability

There is absolutely no mobile option or mobile app functionality for this chat site. Sorry phone-addicts! This one isn’t for you we’re afraid to say!

The clue is in the name really – anything that begins with ‘e’ is usually a desktop-based application or program. There doesn’t seem to by any plans to make E-Chat available via mobile, but you never know what the future holds. Watch this space!

User Experience

Overall, you cannot complain too much (if at all) about the user experience on E-Chat. It is about as straight-forward as it gets and there is very little to trip you up. Everything is very obvious and streamlined to perfection. Nevertheless, whilst there isn’t anything to complain about, there is hardly anything to shout or write home about either.

There are 21 chat rooms to choose from, over 75% of which are sexually orientated. You cannot personalise your profile and there is no personal page or space for you to mess around with either. So the subject is quite repetitive and personalisation is low – which means you can potentially get bored of this chat service fairly quickly.

Safety and Security

We did not experience a problem whilst using the site, but we are also veteran chat room users who have reviewed numerous other services too. We know how to act, how to behave and what to look out for in these online environments. As with any chat room, and most with those that are highly sex-motivated, you must be careful and vigilant at all times.

Remember, you do not have to talk to anyone. Who you talk to is your choice! It is highly inadvisable that you meet anyone in public that you chat to online, especially if you have no idea who they are or have never seen them before.

Customer Service

As mentioned above, the only way to contact the site is via their online contact form, which again is in-keeping with the rest of the site by being extremely basic. You enter a message title and then your main message before clicking send. You have no idea whom you may be sending this to – whether it’s just one man or a team – who knows!?

We’ve sent a message but heard nothing back, so customer service may be lacking for some on this site.


E-Chat is definitely suited to those who like their chat rooms and websites with absolutely no frills whatsoever. This works in a good way in that the site is not labelled from top to bottom with advertisements. On the flipside, it can also make the website a bit boring for some, depending on how well you get on with people in the chat rooms.

The male dominance and highly sex-driven subject matters can also be off-putting for many. If you are not single, and you are not looking for a hook-up or some form of online intimacy, then this site is probably not for you.

Ultimately, E-Chat is a bit like chalk and cheese or Marmite. You will either really love it, or you will leave very quickly. For that reason, this one scores pretty middle-range on our overall score – with a solid 6.