Cupid is one of the largest and most popular dating sites in the world. Anyone can register and use the site for free, although features are limited until you pay for an upgraded membership. Here you can build your own profile, upload pictures and attempt to find true love!
The Cupid Brand
Cupid.com is more than just a dating website! This is a mega brand in the online dating world with a massive social media following too. This is a smart marketing move by the Cupid team, as so much activity and regularity shows trust and familiarity. With so much to do, read and take in from the brand it’s no wonder that Cupid is one of the most popular dating sites available online today!
Okay brace yourselves – this is going to be a long one! We start with the standard ‘I am a BLANK looking for a BLANK’ type sentence which is synonymous with most dating sites these days. You’re then asked to provide your DOB, email address, password and city/postal code. Alternatively, you can connect with Facebook instead, which is much quicker. You are then asked immediately to provide a photograph for your profile. You can upload from your computer, and from Facebook or Instagram too. If you’re a bit camera shy or indecisive at this point, you can skip this step, which is a thoughtful feature indeed!
Next, you are asked to provide details of what you are looking for and can pick from a designated list of options – ranging from hair colour to body shape and ethnicity. You can choose multiple options too, which is handy if you have multiple tastes. One of the more interesting questions you are asked is: what level of income should your match have? A question for all you gold-diggers out there!
So we have nine questions completed – you would think we are ready to start chatting, right? Wrong! Twelve more questions to follow – this time they’re all about you!
Here you are asked for your marital status (strange for a dating website) and other things – such as how many kids you have and your religion. The marital status makes sense later on – as you are asked what you are looking for on the site – and ‘friendship’ is one of the options.
After 21 questions in total (cue 50 Cent) we are then asked to take part in a quiz! Yes – more questions! You can skip this section though – thankfully! Does it stop there though? Of course not! You are then given an opportunity to choose your ‘best pick up line’ that will be sent to your greatest matches – once you eventually get on the site!
Finally! The last step! You must confirm your email address. You can also select which notifications you are happy to receive by ticking the relevant boxes as shown above. Phew! We made it!
Desktop/Mobile Capability
Site works perfectly fine on all platforms and devices – but a dedicated app is only available on iPhone. Bad news for the Android crowd!
User Experience
To fully experience the site you must pay for a membership upgrade. You must do this in order to see who is interested in your profile and to send messages to other members. So in reality, a free membership doesn’t allow you to do much apart from browse the site. From a user perspective this isn’t great – but if you find the love of your life on here then every penny is worth it, right? There is a user review section where people can talk about their dating successes etc. You can get a feel for what to expect by reading these.
Safety and Security
Cupid features lots of personal security features you can amend as and when you see fit. The ‘Safe Mode’ (above) in itself is a revolutionary feature that many other chat sites don’t have. Alongside this you can also find a code of conduct, a privacy statement and a whole page dedicated to user safety on the Cupid site. Big points here!
Customer Service
The Cupid site features an extensive help section that covers numerous topics. If you can’t find what you are looking for here, you can contact the site administrators using the online contact form. Either way, you should find an answer to your question or a solution to your problem.
Cupid is up there amongst some of the most popular dating sites in the world, and it’s not hard to see why. The feature-packed website has a crisp, clean and bold design that is easy to navigate and understand. There’s lots of content to read too, from blogs to user success stories, dating tips and much more. All of this is supported by excellent customer service and a pleasant user journey overall. This is a thoroughly enjoyable platform that may lead you to find your perfect partner – the only drawback is that it isn’t free. In fact, it can be quite pricey if you go full-whack!
We expect to be charged on most dating sites these days, as most of them also have a free sign-up option to browse the site. It’s just a shame that this is all you can do until you pay up! Which is extra annoying considering the uber-long registration process and the 20+ questions!
For all of these reasons, and because Cupid is such a strong and popular site, we’re giving it a score of 8.5! Now what are you waiting for? Go find your perfect partner!